Talon and I spent some time together Tuesday morning. It hasn't been just the two of us alone for quite some time. I've missed him.
Every grandparent thinks his/her grandchild is the cutest thing on the face of the earth. I don't think that. I know it.

At one point in the morning, I was out in the kitchen. Talon was playing in the living room, and I came around the corner, and saw him, simply standing there, looking at the tree. Just looking, a small smile, eyes wide with wonder. I stopped, and just watched. I thought about taking a picture, but as I read in "Brother to a DragonFly" many years ago, some moments are too holy to photograph.

It wasn't an earth-shaking, soul making event. It was love looking at Christmas. It was hope mesmerized by sparkling light. It was innocence believing in magic. And I felt my heart grow larger.
I don't want this season to come crashing down on me. I want it to unfold softly, surely. Maybe, maybe if I look, I can find magic through a child's eyes.
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