Day 6 (Sorta): One Step Forward, Two Steps Back
You feel like you're making progress, then POW, you run into a wall and you are back where you started. In the words of one of my favorite Kid's books, "Some days are like that, even in Australia."
Yesterday certainly was.
I am sure it happens for all of us, but who needs a flat tire when going on a trip? A stomach virus before a party? A phone call when you are rushing out the door? Granted, those tend not to be huge things, but they affect us nonetheless.
I know life is made of those moments. We all have them. But I hate them. So do you. And that's all I am going to say about that.
Well, what else is there to say? Except that I am embracing that these are things done for me not to me. Which brings us back to practicing our own wholeness and grace in the Flow of Grace. :-)